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Poldi Pezzoli Museum, "Mantegna ritrovato"

UniFor is proud to support once again the Poldi Pezzoli Museum as a technical sponsor.


From Thursday 15th October the Milanese museum will exhibit to the public one of its greatest masterpieces: the Madonna and Child by Andrea Mantegna, restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence. The support of the Fondazione Giulio e Giovanna Sacchetti Onlus was crucial for this important operation to protect our heritage.

The exhibition-dossier "Mantegna ritrovato", curated by the museum house and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence, set up in the Salone dell'Affresco, presents the work, recounting the different phases of the conservation intervention - carried out by Lucia Bresci, under the direction of Cecilia Frosinini of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, in collaboration with Andrea Di Lorenzo, curator of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum - and the history of collecting.

The exhibition, realized by UniFor, designed by Luca Rolla and Alberto Bertini, presents two rooms: the first, introductory, with explanatory panels; the second with Mantegna's work alone. A curtain surrounds it all, isolating it from the rest of the Museum and focusing attention solely on the masterpiece.

The exhibition is enriched by a video that recounts the different phases of work undertaken during the restoration, as well as an in-depth brochure with texts by Roberto Bellucci, Lucia Bresci, Andrea Di Lorenzo and Cecilia Frosinini.

Published: October 13, 2020